USING EOPRO: Earth Observation Proposal System
The ESA EOPRO website is designed to provide access to facilities you can use to register and upload your proposal containing an ESA Earth Observation Mission idea. The Current Call section of the website equips you with the necessary resources and background information to meet the requirements of the Call.
Please note all files must be uploaded as Acrobat PDF file format.
In the initial phase, after the Call is released the website will accept new registrations from new users wishing to participate. The user must create an account by following the Register link in the menu bar and filling in name, address and contact details, and selecting a unique username and password. The system requires the user to agree to the Terms and Conditions in relation to personal data protection before submitting the registration. An email will be sent to the registered email address, requiring the user to click the verification link before your identity is confirmed and the registration completed.
Once registered you may login to EOPRO and access your personal “User Page”. Your User Page also provides the option to edit and update your user profile should this be necessary. Please note that it is only possible to register one username and profile per email address.
On the Home Page you will see which Calls are currently open. A Call link is provided where you can upload a Letter of Intent (LOI) and list Proposal Team members. A timer indicates the current deadline and remaining time within which you must submit your LOI.
Please note that if you wish to submit more than one Proposal per Call, there is no restriction on the number of Proposals an individual or consortium may upload per registered user account. However, in order to do so you must first submit a unique Letter of Intent for each Proposal. Selection of a unique LOI submission number LOI## (i.e. LOI01, LOI02,…) is required on the LOI Upload Page when uploading your LOI file.
Following upload of each LOI file upload an email will be sent to the user’s email confirming receipt, together with its unique reference number, which should be used in all further correspondence.
The registered user may return at any time prior to the LOI deadline to edit the Letter of Intent submission. A link to the LOI is provided on the User Page to either view or edit the file.
All uploaded files are treated as confidential.
Next, the website will indicate when you can upload your Proposal file along with the time remaining within which you must submit your final proposal. Uploaded files can be viewed and updated via the link on the User Page or the Proposal Upload page. A confirmation of upload of each Proposal file will be sent by email. You can view your upload history from your User Page and upload updated versions of the proposal at any time prior to the Proposal submission deadline.
Once the Call has closed, the system will indicate a padlock and will no longer accept any files. The most recent date/time-stamped Letter of Intent and Proposal will be considered as your application when the Call Phase closes (at noon time on the indicated date).
When the evaluation phase has been completed you will be contacted by ESA about the outcome, in the period indicated on the Call page.
If at any time you have any questions or comments that are not addressed in the FAQ section, please send an email through the Contact Us function.