Why can't I change my username?
This is done for security reasons.
I have forgotten my password, can I get it back?
No, you cannot get it back, but you can let the system send you an email with a new password, which you can then use to login and change your password again.
Where can I find more information regarding the current Earth Explorer Call?
Check the Current Call part of this website, it will contain additional links for you to follow, which should answer all questions you might have. If all else fails you can always Contact us.
How do I know how long the Current Call for Proposals will stay active?
Start and End Date and Time are given on the Home part of the website, and the Current Call for Proposals part of the site.
Where can I find more information about ESA's Earth Explorer missions?
More information about Earth Explorers can be found on the ESA Website.
Why can't I upload my file?
There could be several reasons:
1. There is no current active session or the session has ended.
2. You are trying to upload a file of a type that is not supported.
3. You are not yet registered or logged in at this website.
Can I upload several Letters of Intent or Proposals?
Per registered user more than one Proposal is allowed per open Call. However, for each proposal a unique Letter of Intent and list of proposing team members is required. Please indicate a unique submission number for each LOI on the LOI Upload page.
What happens to my old Letter of Intent or Proposal if I upload a new one?
The System does not allow to overwrite uploaded files. The new files can be easily spotted by the time they were updated.
What file types are supported for upload?
Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf) are supported for the Letter of Intent (LOI) and Proposal submission; and Excel files (.xls) are supported for the Cost Annex file upload.
Can I upload my Proposal and Cost Estimate Annex as separate files?
Registered users may upload two files: file 1 – Full Proposal (.pdf), and file 2 – Annex 1 – Cost Estimate Breakdown (either .pdf or .xls).
Can other proposers see my Proposal online at your website?
No, most definitely not. We cannot guarantee absolute security for the documents uploaded on this website. However, all files uploaded are secured in a partitioned database accessible only by the registered user and the site administrator.
Can I see my own LOI or Proposal online?
Yes, you may view your LOI or Proposal online using the document link provided on your User Page. All LOIs and Proposals will be kept securely on the EOPRO server until the proposal phase is completed and the Proposals evaluation phase begins.